
Our bodies need energy to grow and repair themselves, keep warm and do physical activity. Energy comes from food and drink, in particular from carbohydrate, protein, fat and alcohol. This energy is measured in kilojoules (kJ) or calories (kcal), with 1 kilocalorie equalling 4.2 kilojoules. In nutrition calorie and kilocalorie are sometimes used to mean the same thing

Maintaining a healthy bodyweight

You don’t need to change your diet drastically when you are preparing for pregnanacy, pregnant or breastfeeding. You should continue to eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water and keep active. However, there are a few extra things you need to be aware of in relation to certain vitamins and minerals, alcohol, and food safety.

Healthy eating for all ages

In our quest to eat healthily, we need to take into account that we need different foods at certain times of our lives – for example, a pre-schooler and an elderly woman have vastly different food requirements because the youngster is growing and very active, while the ageing process causes us to slow down.

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Looking good helps you feel good – and vice versa. Healthy beauty is all about smart, scientifically sound ways to care for and enhance your skin, hair, nails and body.